
This list represents members in good standing as of 03.01.25

Please be aware of acceptable business hours when

contacting a FSDA dealer. Time Zone differences should be noted.

Your cooperation is appreciated.


Archbold, James L  [2014]  [#636]
            Jim Archbold Stamps
            P.O. Box 134
            Plymouth   FL  32768  US
            Main Phone:  407.814.4486
            Second Phone: 407.221.6919
            E-Mail:  jimarchboldstamps@cfl.rr.com
            Specialization:  U.S. & Worldwide Stamps. Sets, Singles, Souvenir Sheets, Sheets, Covers & Mixtures &  Kiloware, Postcards, Box Lots (NO sales by USPS)

Bush, Alan   [2015]  [#641]
            Northlake Stamps
            6088 Wildcat Run
            West Palm Beach  FL  33412-3005  US
            Main Phone:  561.317.8305
            Website:  www.NorthLakePartners.com
            E-Mail:  alanbush@msn.com
            Specialization:  Always Buying, Thoughtful & Expert Appraisals, U.S. & Worldwide Stamps, Postal History.  U.S. Coins & Currency

Cobb, David M  [2000]  [#535]
            Newport Harbor Stamp Co.
            P.O. Box 3364
            Newport Beach  CA  92659  US
            Main Phone:  800.722.1022
            Cell Phone:  949.701.3392
            E-Mail:  NewportHarborStamps@gmail.com
            Specialization:  U.S. Classics, Plate Blocks & Errors

Cordes, Phil   [2007]  [#561]
            Philmar Philatelics
            P.O. Box 621056
            Las Vegas  NV  89162-1056  US
            Main Phone:  352.205.5757
            Cell Phone:  352.205.5757
            E-Mail:  philc7227@gmail.com
            Specialization:  U.S. Mint & Used, Austria Mint & Used, and Austrian Collections

Dearing, Peter L  [1992]  [#204]
            Jacksonville Stamp & Coin
            4807 Water Oak Ln
            Jacksonville  FL  32210  US
            Main Phone: 904.234-6360
            E-Mail:  peterldearing@icloud.com
            Specialization:  German Colonies, Classic U.S. Stamps & First Day Covers, Worldwide Stamps, Souvenir Sheets & Coins

Dowrick, Ann   [2018]  [#655]
            A & B Stamps
            P.O. Box 621665
            Oviedo  FL  32762  US
            Main Phone:  407.312.3788
            E-Mail:  adowrick@att.net
            Specialization:  U.S., Canada, Australia, First Day Covers & Collections, Plate Number Coils

Dowrick, Robert   [2013]  [#628]
            A & B Stamps
            P.O. Box 621665
            Oviedo  FL  32762  US
            Main Phone:  407.312.3788
            Cell Phone:  407.312.3788
            E-Mail:  bob.dowrick@att.net
            Specialization:  U.S., Canada, Australia, First Day Covers & Collections, Plate Number Coils

Eggert, Russell   [2015]  [#645]
            Dutch Country Auctions/The Stamp Center
            4115 Concord Pike
            Wilmington  DE  19803  US
            Main Phone:  302.478.8740
            FAX:  302.478.8779
            Website:  http://www.dutchcountryauctions.com
            E-Mail:  auctions@dutchcountryauctions.com
            Specialization:  Retail Store, Auctions, Buyers, Sellers of U.S. and Worldwide, Coins, Currency, Covers, Postcards, Historical/Classic Sports Memorabilia

Enstrom, George   [2015]  [#647]
           George Enstrom Stamps, Ltd.
           P.O. Box 911
           Byron IL 61010   US
           Main Phone:  815.234.2875
           Cell phone: 815.275.2607
           FAX:  815.234.2875
           E-Mail:  genstromstamps@gmail.com
           Specialization: U.S. #1-668, Airmail, Special Delivery, Postage Due, Ks, Os, Errors & Ducks, British Colonies

Ferguson, Francis   [2001]  [#549]
            Francis Ferguson
            P.O. Box 1206
            Plymouth  FL  32768-1206  US
            Main Phone:  407.493.0956
            Website:  http://www.FloridaStampShows.com
            E-Mail:  ferg@floridastampshows.com
            Specialization:  Show Manager, eBay Sales, eBay Sales ID "FERGFL"

Fettig, Ann   [1980]  [#280] [Life Member #14]
            A & R Stamps
            P.O. Box 568334
            Orlando  FL  32856-8334  US
            E-Mail:  annfsda@aol.com
            Specialization:  Retired

Fettig, Phillip E  [1979]  [#253] [Life Member #15]
            A & R Stamps
            P.O. Box 568334
            Orlando  FL  32856-8334  US
            E-Mail:  pfettig151@aol.com
            Specialization:  Retired

Files, Douglas S  [2008]  [#579]
            Island Cliffs Collectibles
            1624 Reese Dr, #4
            Fairborn  OH  45324  US
            Main Phone: 937.305.0111
            Second Phone: 937.938.3222
            E-Mail:  dougxfiles@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Covers, Postal Stationery, Worldwide Stamps & Military Mail

Franz, Karl   [1981]  [#303] [Life Member #6]
            Treasures Of Time
            P.O. Box 181325
            Casselberry  FL  32718  US
            Main Phone:  407.340.5975
            E-Mail:  toftime@aol.com
            Specialization:  U.S. BoB

Friedemann, Mark   [2017]  [#650]
            Classic Stamps & Covers
            2128 Atchena Nene
            Tallahassee  FL  32301-5802  US
            Main Phone:  850.570.1942
            E-Mail:  dmarkfrk@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Worldwide Postal History, Airmail, Propaganda, Topical Covers/Stamps, Zeppelins

Gates, Thomas B  [2010]  [#602]
            Triple S Postal History, Inc.
            P.O. Box 224
            Urbana  OH  43078  US
            Main Phone:  937.653.6376
            Website:  http://www.triple-sonline.com
            E-Mail:  tgates@triple-sonline.com
            Specialization:  Worldwide Postal History

Goldberg, Michael   [2011]  [#617]
            Wilton Stamp Company
            300 Cub Ct
            Greenville  SC  29609   US
            Main Phone:  407.593.1680
            Website:  https://www.wiltonstamp.com
            E-Mail:  mike@wiltonstamp.com
            Specialization:  High Quality Worldwide & U.S. on Approval, Online Store

Harding, Kurt   [2011]  [#609]
            Stamp Center Of Texas
            39350 IH - 10 W, #5
            Boerne  TX  78006  US
            Main Phone:  210.240.4083
            Cell Phone:  210.240.4083
            E-Mail:  stampmeisterss@hotmail.com
            Specialization:  Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Souvenir Sheets

Harris, Labron   [1979]  [#242]
            Labron Harris
            P.O. Box 739
            Glen Echo  MD  20812  US
            Main Phone: 240.447.3769
            E-Mail:  labronharr@aol.com
            Specialization:  U.S. Postal History, Worldwide Postal History, Appraisals

Hinds, Jr., Norman C  [2007]  [#566]
            Norman C. Hinds, Jr. Philatelics
            P.O. Box 700273
            Wabasso  FL  32970  US
            Main Phone:  772.532.2215
            Website:  http://www.stores.ebay.com/normanhindsphilatelics
            E-Mail:  nch143@aol.com
            Specialization:  U.S.

Houtby, Roy W  [2007]  [#551]
            Roy's Stamps
            P.O. Box 28001, Lakeport P.O.
            600 Ontario Street
            St. Catharines  ON  CANADA L2N 7P8
            Main Phone:  905.934.8377
            Cell Phone:  905.988.8001
            Website:  www.RoysStamps.com
            E-Mail:  roystamp@cogeco.ca
            Specialization:  Canada & British Commonwealth Stamps and Covers

Hunter, John A  [1983]  [#330]
            The Stamp Professor
            42A Blackwood Ct
            St. Johns   FL  32259  US
            Main Phone:  904.471.1549
            Cell Phone:  904.671.4580
            E-Mail:  thestampprof@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Classic U.S. & Worldwide Stamps, Covers and Discount Postage

Jacks, Tom   [2007]  [#565]
            Mountainside Stamps
            P.O. Box 1116
            Mountainside  NJ  07092  US
            Main Phone:  908.419.9751
            Cell Phone:  908.419.9751
            Second Phone:  908.232.0539
            FAX:  908.654.0222
            Website:  http://www.mountainsidestampsandcoins.com
            E-Mail:  TJacks@verizon.net
            Specialization:  Stamps & Covers of U.S., Canada, British Commonwealth, Europe, Asia and Latin America

Jackson, Eric   [2007]  [#552]
            Eric Jackson
            P.O. Box 728
            Leesport  PA  19533-0728  US
            Main Phone:  610.926.6200
            Website:  https://www.ericjackson.com
            E-Mail:  eric@revenuer.com
            Specialization:  Revenues, U.S. BoB, Telegraphs, Locals, Literature

Jameson, Stan   [1978]  [Life Member #7]
            Stan Jameson
            P.O. Box 264
            St. Petersburg  FL  33731  US
            Main Phone:  727.480.2799
            Cell Phone:  727.480.2799
            E-Mail:  empire65@tampabay.rr.com
            Specialization:  Philatelic & Numismatic Consultant, Collections

Kehres, Grant W.  [1978]  [#203] [Life Member #9]
            Grant W. Kehres
            2000 Glades Rd, Suite 302
            Boca Raton  FL  33431  US
            Main Phone:  561.392.5200
            FAX:  561.392.6180
            E-Mail:  grant.kehres@gmail.com
            Specialization:  U.S. 19th Century Stamps and Postal History

Kellermann, Kim E  [1994] [Life Member #25]
            Rasdale Stamp Co.
            35 Chestnut Ave
            Westmont  IL  60559-1127  US
            Main Phone:  630.794.9900
            FAX:  630.794.9958
            Website:  http://www.rasdalestamps.com
            E-Mail:  kim@rasdalestamps.com
            Specialization:  Retail Store, U.S. & Worldwide, Public Auctions

Kimbrough, John L  [1986]  [#377]
            John L. Kimbrough
            10140 Wandering Way
            Benbrook  TX  76126  US
            Main Phone:  817.249.2447
            Cell Phone:  817.832.3443
            FAX:  817.249.5213
            Website:  http://www.csastamps.com
            E-Mail:  jlkcsa@aol.com
            Specialization:  Confederate States of America Stamps and Postal History

King, Ron   [2009]  [#599]
            Ron King Stamps & Covers
            2465 Gold Oak Ct E
            Sarasota  FL  34232  US
            Main Phone: 941.667.0204
            Cell Phone:  941.667.02024
            E-Mail: none (text to cell phone)
            Specialization:  Postal History, First Day Covers, U.S. and Worldwide Covers, King Cachets

Knudsen, Carl   [2013]  [#631]
            Carl Knudsen
            114 Locustberry Ln #101
            Jupiter  FL  33458  US
            Main Phone:  561.215.7033
            E-Mail:  CMK5288@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Worldwide & U.S., Wholesale, Internet, Box Lots, Collections, Postage

Kopkin, Mitchell W  [1991]  [#456]
            Tropical Stamps, Inc.
            7132 N. University Dr
            Tamarac   FL  33321  US
            Main Phone:  954.351.9794
            Second Phone:  800.634.0666
            E-Mail:  tropstamps@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Retail Store, Auctions, U.S., Worldwide, Always Buying, Coins & Collectibles

Latter, John   [1992]  [#472]
            Collectors Exchange
            7512 Dr. Phillips Blvd, Suite 50-878
            Orlando  FL 32819  US
            Main Phone:  407.620.0908
            Second Phone:  407.825.7799
            FAX:  407.730.2131
            Website:  http://www.OrlandoStampShop.com
            E-Mail:  jlatter@cfl.rr.com
            Specialization:  Retail Store, British Family of Nations, Stamps, Postal History & Postcards, Worldwide Topicals -- buy/sell/appraise

Martin, Jr., Larry W  [2007]  [#562]
           Crown Colony Stamps
            P.O. Box 1198
            Bellaire  TX  77402  US
            Main Phone:  713.781.6563
            Website:  http://www.crowncolony.com
            E-Mail:  lwm@crowncolony.com
            Specialization:  British Commonwealth

McGrath, Jim   [2021]  [#660]
           No further contact information available.

McNaughton, James   [1977]  [#150] [Life Member #10]
            James McNaughton
            367 Ashton Ct
            Quincy  FL  32352-7256  US
            Main Phone:  850.627.2332
            Website:  http://www.JamesMcNaughton.com
            E-Mail:  james@jamesmcnaughton.com
            Specialization:  Consignment Sales

Medeiros, David   [1998]  [#518]
            Quality Stamps
            P.O. Box 222836
            Hollywood  FL  33022  US
            Main Phone:  941.376.5689
            Website:  http://www.BuyingQualityStamps.com 
            E-Mail:  qualitystamps@verizon.net
            Specialization:  Buying, Appraisals, U.S. & Worldwide Collections, Stamps & Postal History, Coin & Currency Collections

Moore, David L  [2013]  [#629]
            David L. Moore Stamps
            1881 Bridgeport Cir
            Rockledge  FL  32955  US
            Main Phone:  321.576.2743
            E-Mail:  DMoore1053@yahoo.com
            Specialization:  U.S. & Worldwide, Postal History, Postcards, Collections & Accumulations

Murrin, Robert J  [1975]  [#73] [Life Member #1]
            Robert J. Murrin
            P.O. Box 10100
            St. Petersburg  FL  33733-0100  US
            Main Phone:  727.345.8639
            E-Mail:  murrin.robert@yahoo.com
            Specialization:  PNCs, Germany, Austria, Postal Stationery, Collections & Accumulations, Covers, Postcards

Nowell, René O  [1996]  [#441]
            The Browse House
            1501 Ridgewood Ave, Suite 108
            Holly Hill  FL  32117  US
            Main Phone:  386.672.1673
            E-Mail:  BrowseHouseStamps@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Retail Store, Lots & Collections, Better U.S. & Worldwide, Confederate, Better Covers

Reeder, Earl T  [1981]  [#235] [Life Member #11]

Rogers, Michael   [1974]  [#33]
            Michael Rogers
            111 N. Pompano Beach Blvd, Apt 1001
            Pompano Beach  FL  33062  US
            Main Phone:  407.592.4195
            Cell Phone:  407.592.4195
            E-Mail:  mikechina303@hotmail.com
            Specialization:  Buying Worldwide, Collections

Rogg, Sheldon   [1985]  [#361]
            Sheldon Rogg
            P.O. Box 1076
            Port Richey  FL  34673-1076  US
            Main Phone: 727.364.6897
            Second Phone:  727.848.7697
            E-Mail:  h.rogg@verizon.net
            Specialization:  Buy, Sell, Appraise, Germany & Worldwide Stamps & Covers, Show Promoter, Supplies

Roose, Jr., Robert W  [2006]  [#538] [Life Member #24]
            RJ Stamps
            1489 Laconia Dr W
            Clearwater  FL  33764  US
            Main Phone:  727.542.1024
            Cell Phone:  727.542.1024
            Specialization:  British Commonweath - Worldwide

Sachs, Lawrence   [2002]  [#542]
            Boca Collectables
            P.O. Box 5-H
            Scarsdale  NY  10583  US
            Main Phone:  914.656.2260
            Cell Phone:  917.656.2260
            E-Mail:  metfan67@yahoo.com
            Specialization:  U.S. Specialist 1847 - 1930, Rarities, Mint/Used Singles, Plate Blocks & Collections for Purchase or Appraisal; Large holdings welcome.  Serious Buyer -- will travel!

Sazama, Robert M  [2000]  #[544]
            Robert M. Sazama
            3277 Mayberry Ct
            The Villages  FL  32163  US
            Main Phone:  931.561.7167
            Website: https:// www.FloridaStampBuyer.com   
            E-Mail:  bob@bobsazama.com
            Specialization: Estate Appraisals, U.S., Worldwide

Schumacher, Michael   [2022]  [#662]
            Michael Schumacher
            21635 Regency Park Ln
            Leesburg   FL  34748  US
            Main Phone: 352.575.2553
            Cell Phone: 612.384.4531
            E-Mail: mike.FLOREXChair@gmail.com
            Specialization: FLOREX Show Manager, Iceland

Schwartz, Steve   [1976]  [Life Member #3]
            CollectorMagic, Inc.
            P.O. Box 677549
            Orlando  FL  32867  US
            Main Phone:  407.898.7778
            Website:  http://www.RareStampStore.com  |  http://www.TopicalStampStore.com
            E-Mail:  collectormagic@gmail.com
            Specialization:  U.S., United Nations, Vatican, Topical Stamps, Telephone Cards, Phone Cards

Scrivener, Norman R  [1976]  [#142] [Life Member #8]
            Scrivener's Stamps, Coins & Collectibles
            372 Sterling Pl
            Long Branch  NJ 07740  US
            Main Phone:  973.714.1986
            E-Mail:  stacoman@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Licensed Auctioneer, Buying & Selling Stamps, Coins & Collectibles of the World, Estate Appraisals

Selengut, Arnold H  [1991]  [#460]
            BEJJCO of Florida, Inc.
            P.O. Box 16681
            Temple Terrace  FL  33687  US
            Main Phone:  813.980.0734
            Cell Phone:  813.240.2646
            E-Mail:  arnsel@verizon.net
            Specialization:  U.S. & Worldwide Stamps, Covers, U.S. BoB, U.S. Precancels

Shoemaker, Randall J  [2011]  [#606]
            Philatelic Stamp Authentication & Grading, Inc.
            P.O. Box 41-0880
            Melbourne  FL  32941-0880  US
            Main Phone:  305.345.9864
            Website:  http://www.psaginc.com
            E-Mail:  randyshoemaker1@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Expertizing U.S., Canada, Hawaii, Canal Zone

Sigler, Donna Joy  [1980]  [#276] [Life Member #13]

Smith, Roy   [1993]  [#473]
            Roy Smith
            P.O. Box 21117
            Sarasota  FL  34276-4117  US
            Main Phone:  941.378.4881
            E-Mail:  roymarvene@comcast.net
            Specialization:  U.S. Stamps, Showgard Mounts

Spitzer, Phlip R   [2022]  [#668]
            Philip R. Spitzer
            P.O. Box 14346
            Tallahassee   FL 32317-4346  US
            Main Phone:  850.877.7017
            Cell Phone:  850.321.9496
            E-Mail: philip.spitzer@gmail.com
            Specialization: Canadian Revenues, Worldwide, Souvenier Sheets

Stoltz, John G  [2011]  [#615]
            McCloud Stamps & Covers, Coins
            1930 Morning Fog Dr
            Fuquay-Varina NC 27526   US
            Main Phone:  585.507.3533
            Cell Phone:  585.507.3533
            E-Mail:  johnstoltz634@gmail.com
            Specialization:  U.S. & Worldwide Stamps, Collections, , Postal History, Souvenir Sheets, Coins & Currency

Taff, James F  [2011]  [#613]
            James F. Taff
            P.O. Box 19549
            Sacramento  CA  95819  US
            Cell Phone:  916.709.0412
            E-Mail:  jt9955rex@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Confederate Stamps, German Areas, U.S., Worldwide, British/French/Italian Colonies

Taylor, Stephen T  [2012]  [#622]
            Stephen T. Taylor
            17 Derwant Close
            Claygate, ESHER     KT10 0RF   ENGLAND
            Main Phone: 011.441.372.468566
            Website:  https://stephentaylor.co.uk
            E-Mail:  info@stephentaylor.co.uk
            Specialization: US, US Possessions & Confederate State covers & postal history 1750 - 1950

Tiger, Mark   [2013]  [#632]
            The Browse House
            1501 Ridgewood Ave, Suite 108
            Holly Hill  FL  32117  US
            Main Phone:  386.672.1673
            FAX:  386.672.1673
            E-Mail:  BrowseHouseStamps@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Retail Store, Lots & Collections, Better U.S. & Worldwide, Confederate, Better Covers

Tiger-Savedow, Kathleen C  [2011]  [#618]
            The Browse House
            1501 Ridgewood Ave, Suite 108
            Holly Hill  FL  32117  US
            Main Phone:  386.672.1673
            FAX:  386.672.1673
            E-Mail:  BrowseHouseStamps@gmail.com
            Specialization:  Retail Store, Lots & Collections, Better U.S. & Worldwide, Confederate, Better Covers

Tohn, Alan   [2022]  [#667]
            9831 Mantova Dr
            Lake Worth FL  33467  US
            Main Phone: 516.359.7467
            E-Mail: alantohn@gmail.com
            Specialization: Worldwide Postal History, U.S. & Worldwide FDCs, U.S. Postal History, U.S. & Worldwide Post Cards, Topical on Cover

Volovski, Larry   [2022]  [#665]
            Volovski Rarities
            P.O. Box 208
            Thomaston CT 06787  US
            Main Phone: 860.480.0186
            Cell Phone: 860.480.0186
            E-Mail: VolovskiRarities@sbcglobal.net
            Specialization:  U.S., We buy -- highest prices paid

Waivio, Roger A  [2019]  [#657]
            Twin Oaks Stamps
            4420 95th Ave. N
            Pinellas Park  FL  33782  US
            Main Phone: 727.248.7923
            E-Mail:  rogerwaivio@gmail.com
            Specialization: High value mint British Commonwealth at 65% discount from Scotts & Foreign collections at 65% discount from Scotts

Zaganiacz, Fred   [2011]  [#612]
            Fred Zaganiacz
            2339 Lambeth Dr
            Pittsburgh  PA  15241  US
            Main Phone:  412.833.6441
            Cell Phone:  540.842.9055
            E-Mail:  zaganiacz.fred@yahoo.com
            Specialization:  Worldwide Stamps, U.S. Stamps & Postcards, Worldwide Covers, Civil War Covers/Letters, U.S. Postal History